Build Your Dream Life With the Law of Attraction in 3 Simple Steps

Happy New Year everyone! It’s out with the old and in with the new…what a perfect time to take control of your life and live it to the best of your ability! Today, we’re going to talk about building your dream life with the law of attraction. Let’s jump into it!

What if I told you there was a way for you to get exactly what you want? To get that car? To be in that amazing relationship? To live in your ideal home? To obtain more money? It may seem crazy, or impossible, or unrealistic. But is it? Not if you’re using the law of attraction.

What is this law of attraction? Or better yet, what is The Secret? In 2006, a documentary was released, and with it, the secret too. According to famous philosophers and leaders in history including Socrates, Henry Ford, Martin Luther King Jr., and more, the secret to living the life you want to live is all in your mind.

“Whatever you’re feeling or thinking today is creating your future.”

Marci Shimoff, co-author of the Chicken Soup series
Watch The Secret on Amazon Prime here or watch on Netflix!

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is the key to understanding the secret. Simply put, you attract what is in your mind. For instance, if you wake up and stub your toe and then begin swearing, it is likely that you’ll begin to spiral and will run into other negative events throughout your day. If you woke up in an incredible mood and ready for a great day, chances are your day will go well. The law of attraction is a bit like this; negative thoughts bring you negative things and positive thoughts bring you positive things.

The law of attraction brings you what you radiate. The more passion you radiate with, the more likely the universe will bring good things into your life. This may sound too good to be true, but let me give you another example from The Secret.

A young post-grad student is being bullied constantly at his job and in general for being gay. He complains to one of his professors about all of the harassment, going on and on about the things they say and how it makes him feel. His professor (Hale Dwoskin) showed him that he was radiating the negative things which made the harassment continue coming.

Instead, he told him to focus on the positive things in his life, so the student began meditating and listening to music, shutting out all of the bad. Within a few weeks, the coworkers who had been terrible to him either switched jobs or just stopped and the rest of the people began to appreciate him instead of heckling him.

This is how the law of attraction works.

You may be thinking, Well, I’m not getting bullied or harassed. How can the law of attraction help me? Some of us may not want to admit it out of fear of being selfish, but there is something(s) in everybody’s life that they want. This isn’t being selfish; this is being human. That car? You can get it. That relationship? You can get it. Focus all of your energy on the specific things that you want, and you will get them. As () puts it, “Thoughts become things“(6:00).

Watch The Secret on Amazon Prime here or watch on Netflix!

How to Apply the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction can be compared to the “genie granting three wishes” scenario (if you date the story back to when it was first created, there were actually unlimited wishes). Essentially, the universe is your genie and you are choosing what you want from the “catalogue of life“.

Think of something right now that in a perfect world, you would have. It could be an item, a person, a certain amount of money, etc. It could be anything! You’re dreaming 🙂

Now that you have that thing in mind, consider the next steps below:

The Creative Process

  1. Ask – Make a command to the universe. Write down what you want as if you already have it (ex. I have a dog). Go on to write about how you would feel if you had this thing and what your life would be like.
  2. Believe – Imagine that you have this thing; see it in your mind and pretend it’s already yours. You don’t need to know how it’s going to happen, you just need to know that it is going to happen. You may experience disappointment if you see other people with this thing or if your wish hasn’t come true yet; this is normal. It is very important to replace this disappointment with unwavering faith. It will happen.
  3. Receive – Put all of your energy into this one thing and truly feel what it will be like when your wish comes true. Do anything you can to put yourself in the shoes of one who has met this dream (ex. search dog photos online, visit your friends’ dogs, learn more about dogs, etc.). And when the thing you want is sitting right in front of you, don’t doubt, just act. Take hold of your wish and be grateful that it has been granted to you.
Watch The Secret on Amazon Prime here or watch on Netflix!

If you have multiple wants, don’t expect them to all come to you at the same time. Your life will slowly unfold just as the road unfolds every 200 ft through your headlights when you’re driving at night; in bits at a time.

There is also no time frame that certain wishes are expected to be met in. It could be 3 days, 3 hours, or 3 months; there is no way of knowing for sure. The universe will give you what you want when it thinks the time is right.

The Powerful Processes

There are two specific “powerful processes” that should be used when commanding your wish. In order for the law of attraction to work in your favor, you need to realize that your current circumstance is the outcome of your past thoughts and actions. You also should understand that it is easily susceptible to change. Not only that, but you should expect the change.

#1 – Gratitude

List the things you are grateful for while you’re making your command(s). By focusing first on what is currently positive in your life, you’re setting yourself up for success to attract more positive things. Appreciation attracts support; in other words, the more happiness you put out into the world, the more you’ll bring in.

Make it a habit to start off your morning by jotting down what makes you happy to begin your day on a good note. Try to write different things each time so that you’re feeling what you’re writing instead of making it seem like a chore or routine.

One philosopher in The Secret carried around what he called a “gratitude rock”. Whenever he would touch the rock, he’d say one thing he was thankful for. He would pick it up in the morning, keep it in his pocket during the day, and then put it on his dresser at night. It was a great reminder of all the positive things he had in his life; sometimes, I think we get so caught up in the negatives, we forget that there truly are positives.

#2 – Visualize

This is a huge part in what you want coming true. According to The Secret, there was an experiment performed on Olympic athletes in which their brain activity was monitored two different times. The first time, they were physically doing their Olympic event. The second, they were sitting and doing their Olympic event in their mind. The brain activity between both scenarios was the exact same.

This being said, you can get your mind to mimic realistic circumstances if you try to. Instead of just seeing something in your head, try to focus on exactly what you want. Use your senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch to feel what it would be like to have this thing with you right now.

It may take a long time for your want to come to you. This may get really hard, and that’s okay. The important thing is to continue persevering and visualizing. Your wish is a seed in the ground. The more visualizing and believing you do, the more roots your seed will develop and the closer it will get to germinating and pushing up through the soil.

Using a Vision Board

A vision board is a fantastic way to organize your wants and get into the habit of visualizing them everyday. A vision board can be a poster board, a magnet board, a cork board, or another surface that is used to tac photos up of your wants. The idea is that you spend the time putting one together by cutting out photos from magazines or printing them from online and then you leave the board somewhere you’ll see it often.

Something you can do is each morning, look at it for a few minutes and visualize your dream life. Feel it. Imagine it. Be there in that moment, abundant in all you have. Then consider all you’re grateful for and head off on your day, radiating all the positivity you can. Trust the universe.

One Last Note

The Secret and the law of attraction will become of use to you as much or as little as you would like it to. You are in control here. You have the power. Take hold of your life and make your command. Live the life you want to live.

As always, I believe in you; you can do this. Have fun my friends…because this life? It’s the only one you’re going to get. So make the most of it!

Bee happy and bee true to yourself.

Until another day…

Watch The Secret on Amazon Prime here or watch on Netflix!

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