
Hey there! I’m so happy you’re here 🙂

Let me tell you the little story of how I got started…

If I’m being honest, I started my blog back in the spring of 2020, under the name Just Bee the Sunshine. I wanted to have a place that other people could visit online where they could go to feel happy and uplifted in such an unpredictable time in our world.

Flash forward two years…and I’m completely changing it up. Well, not completely, but, you’ll get the idea in a minute.  

It took me a while to figure out what I should write about. It also took me a while to realize that your target audience when writing a blog can’t be “everyone” and your niche can’t just be “whatever I feel like writing about whenever I want”; that will leave you with no consistency, and therefore, no motivation, as it turns out.

After a little conversation with one of my close friends about the lack of a safe, realistic online community for tweens and teens, I finally knew what I needed to write about. 

Now being 18 and heading off to college this fall, I remember back to when I was that in-between age of 11-16; you know, the age when you’re between being a kid and a young adult? I remember seeing everyone’s picture-perfect photos filling my Instagram feed and thinking I don’t have enough friends or I’m not popular enough. Or being in line at the grocery store looking at the model with the “perfect” body and thinking I’m not pretty enough. 

And what sucks even more than feeling those things is feeling like you’re the only one who’s feeling them.

But now, I’m thinking “enough” for what? Over the past seven years, I’ve learned how to become my own person, choose my friends by the “quality over quantity” phrase, and exercise because I like the way it makes me feel, not to try to live up to some unrealistic body type.

I didn’t have an older sister growing up, or really anyone else older than me who could pass on all of their advice and secrets. So, in a way, I suppose that’s what I’m trying to be for you. 

Someone who can talk about their past experiences like they happened yesterday, and give you advice on some of the things that I went through, things that you might be going through right now. 

Let’s talk friendships, first crushes, new schools, rip-your-hair-out levels of stress, your newfound sense of independence (plus the expectations that come along), and everything in between. You name it; I’m here for you.

Always wishing you the best,
